Cinnabar, so exotic. As a child, I thought it was an exotic wood, possibly an aromatic like frankincense or myrrh!
Alas! it is a stone, rather, a gemstone!
Back when I wore Bellbottoms with mirrors and embroidery, I worked a bit polishing stones and cutting stained glass. This person gave me a necklace of agate. I wore it until it totally gave out! Wrapped all the pieces in a bandana and kept them for a few decades!
When I began to make jewelry again, I found the bandana. I decided to mix these with jasper, cinnabar, and onyx. Going mostly by an artist's feel for color, design, and size, I was unaware of what I was really doing!
Cinnabar is for stimulating dignity, vitality and power. It is effective in removing obstructions, furthers ones assertiveness, while eliminating aggression. It is helpful in community work. It is assistive in remembering the "giving" qualities of the Divine!
Agate for smoothing dysfunctional energies, and to both transform and eliminate negativity. It provides for perceptiveness to situations and awakens ones' inherent talents and adroitness.
Agate balances phyusical, emotional and intellectual bodies with etheric energies!
Onyx for banishing grief, enhancing self-control, and to stimulate the power of wise decision-making. Onyx to encourage happiness and good fortune!
Onyx helps one to follow the path alone, promoting the recognition of personal strengths and assisting one in understanding of the reality of the moment. It helps one become the master of ones own future!(These qualities are excerpted from the book, 'Love is in the Earth, A Kaleidoscope of Crystals, updated' by Melody) I love these books! I highly recommend them!
At this time in my life, I am accepting charcoal gray into my colors. I enjoy the delicate, oriental carving in these cinnabar beads.
I decided to keep, and wear the necklace.
Currently undergoing several 'challenges', I was amazed by how timely this choice, and how relevant these stones are! I expect their similar natures will only enhance thier qualities, powers!