Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Breathe, in your own home?

I had conversation with a friend last night, and it reminded me of the need for safe, decent housing for people with asthma or multiple chemical sensitivities.

Construction materials are often laden with toxic substances. Heating fuel creates fumes.

Location is important, also. They need clean air, and freedom from chemicals used on the grass and driveways.

This woman is living in a place that has accommodated her to some degree, removing carpets, electric only heat, etc.; though the units were shabbily constructed, and built upon a wet land, which has resulted in mold! Now her conditions are being exacerbated due to a waste dump being created nearby.

She is more ill, incapacitated.

First came the destruction of the woodlands nearby, which had provided cleaner air. Along with this came noise and fumes, trucks, constantly for weeks!

Now the town is dumping the dredge from a pond where the woods used to be. The dredge includes pesticides and herbicides along with some mill waste! More noise, trucks, fumes, along with the smell and the toxins.

During the day, when all this is taking place, she is trapped within her apartment. In the evening, there are still the toxins and dust in the air.

Her body aches, she has no social life, endorphins levels drops. She has to wear a mask more often than usual. Certainly not a healing environment!

Where can people with asthma or Multiple Chemical Sensitivites go? Where can they safely live?!

A few years ago, I knew two women that were each living in gutted trailers at the edge of wooded parkland. Not just because of poverty! They needed to be away from auto fumes! They could not be exposed to the cheap pressed wood with formaldehyde cabinets! The carpets with all the synthetics in them, and the glues!

With time, one was able to build a house. She did years of research to find the materials she, personally could tolerate. These better materials often cost more.

Where are the guidebooks to safer materials?
Where are the sources for these materials?
Where are the grants to assist these people to have these needed materials?
Where are the grants and programs to help establish small communities of safe housing for them?

Why are Organizations not taking up this cause?! There are plenty of programs for Senior Housing, for Low-Income Senior Housing, for Low Income Family Housing, but I have heard of none for well constructed housing for MCS or Asthma.

What can I do? What can you do?

1 comment:

  1. Hi D. You should have a conversation with Paul L about that (not Paul F) He may know of an organization. S
