Friday, April 30, 2010

An Irish Lad goes away on adventure

Some people are larger than life.  Some people just sneak up on you, surprise you with their quality, their depth!

My good friend and neighbor, Paul, is leaving today.  He is off to the West on an adventure.

I am sad.

Paul helped me move in, fixed my favorite antique oak bureau, provided lots of laughter and song. Paul is a Giver, a Doer.

I trust Paul.  Lately, he has been the majority of my 'safe' people. I will miss Paul.

This photo of Paul is at the Glendale Falls.  He is sitting at his favorite spot, enjoying the power, sound, spray, colors and movement of the long falls.

Paul, May the Sun rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back...!


  1. A rare and treasured find, your friend Paul. I hope he enjoys his adventure.

    And while he's away, perhaps you will have a few new stories to share with him when he returns. We never know what surprise is around the next turn.

    Happy May Day,

  2. I am taking all the turns I can find! Yes! I will have a home adventure! I helped Paul load the auto, and the Kayak.
